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Chinese translation for "money on the side"


Related Translations:
money:  n.1.货币;钱,金钱。2.财产,财富,财力。3.〔主 pl.〕 (特种)货币;通货;〔pl.〕〔古语〕【法律】金额〔常用 monies 这一特殊复数写法〕。4.【经济学】交换媒介物,货物货币。5.大富翁;金融集团。6.(优胜)奖金。短语和例子fairy money (终要变成树叶的)魔钱;拾得的钱。 paper money 纸币。 ready money现金。 soft
money money money:  钱钱钱
money money:  捡钱游戏旁门左道钱钱钱
money begets money:  财能生财钱生钱利滚利时间和诚信作为钱能生钱
money breeds money:  钱生钱
money market money:  金融市场通货
Example Sentences:
1.Unhappily, forbes could not resist the temptation to make money on the side .
2.Teaching high school students can help you make a little of money on the side
3.He ' s a teacher , but he makes a little money on the side by repairing cars in his free time
4.The market offers ready temptations to make quick money on the side . but market participants must avoid this slippery and dangerous slope
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